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How I Made $400,000 From YouTube

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Jordan goes through why he used Youtube ads to help him scale.

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One of the most underrated tools that I use to scale. This business was YouTube ads. There are hardly any drop Troopers out there that are leveraging this platform and this platform unlocked massive scale for my business because it was untapped now at this time I had already implemented all of the optimizations that I mentioned before so my funnel my product my shipping was extremely dialed in it was simply a matter of testing different videos on YouTube until I found one that popped off and when I did I was getting extremely cheap customers on a daily basis. So if you want to learn a different ads platform that is still extremely untapped to this day, you're gonna learn it in this video. I also talk about another secret strategy that I was using which is called YouTube influencers. Essentially, I would take my product. I would send it to different YouTube channels and have them review my product for a small fee. Sometimes they would even do it for free. This brought in a significant amount of sales and gave me content that I could use inside of my ads. So I was able to crack YouTube with this brand and make over $500,000 in sales from it. And I know for a fact that you guys can do this for your products as well. So long as you watch this whole video and apply the principles that I share on the inside. On your business now, I want to talk about one of my secret weapons that to be honest. I don't see many people doing at all and made us a lot of money this year. I'm talking about YouTube ads. We've made over three hundred thousand dollars in Revenue just from using YouTube ads by themselves. I know there's bigger numbers out there and people that have done better. But for me, I had never seen anybody doing YouTube ads for Ecom except for the biggest brands. So I decided to give it a try around the end of November and the way I Learned was really from studying people like Alex Becker. He has great YouTube ads content and there's a bunch of other channels as well. But I just tried it out to be honest. I didn't become an expert first and then try it. I just tried it out. Even when I was bad and this is what that looked like. So so this is the YouTube ads dashboard around November is when I started learning about it and in December, I launched my first ads now, let's look at the first half of December. I'm just so we could see how everything got started so I had made a very simple ad I made this ad with footage that I already had that I shot on my iPhone Adobe Premiere and a microphone and what I did was I took the Facebook format for ads like a strong hook a strong claim and then going for the benefits but I turned it into a voiceover. So, you know, it's funny actually a lot of people saw this ad so a lot of people have sent this to me but this ad has done very well and it was the first YouTube ad that I tested, you know, I hadn't seen anybody really doing it before in Ecom. So I was pretty proud of that. I mean and we'll see we'll see how far this ad went because at first when I was testing I was excited because I was getting sales. I didn't even care that they weren't profitable. I was excited that I was getting sales from this new channel and we'll just take a look at the ad because I think that's what you guys really want to see the most and then we'll talk about the Strategy itself. So I'm going to click this. We'll pull it up and let this play one sec. I'm in the ad is just so simple, you know, it's it's not really much to it. It's really just me doing the hook and then going through and talking about the benefits of the product but the hook is very strong. It's really strong. So, you know, when I put the key word in there of sleep and sleep music. I'm picturing this person, right? There are laying in bed, they can't fall asleep. So they're gonna search the word sleep music or even we'll try the actual just word of sleep and you're gonna see it's the same things and people will click on these type of videos deep sleep music rainstorm. This has 20 million views. Okay, so I'll click on this and my ad will pop up on videos like this. So the person is probably in bed about to go to sleep, you know, they're not all wearing earbuds. Those are the ones that are just gonna skip the ad right away, but I figured somebody that's watching this is gonna be wearing earbuds and they're gonna be like, what the heck like this is so weird. Like how does this guy know I'm wearing earbuds in Like you get what I mean, like it's it's jarring. So then they are interested in watching the rest. It's YouTube people like watching a video if the video is good. I'm gonna show you guys another example of a YouTube ad that is probably the most impressive that I've seen will take a look at two examples actually, but let me show you this one first. Okay, so you might not think that this is a YouTube ad but it really is like these channels like Tech Insider and stuff like that. This is sort of their job like their job is to take a product. Okay, and they're gonna make a video for that company for that product that promotes the product and does. Well, that's that's sort of what they do. They might do some journalism too. But check this video out. I was very impressed by this video. snoring I had never heard it before until I recorded it. But every person that has slept next to me has suffered through it. That sound has ruined countless relationships for me. Okay, maybe that wasn't the only problem but it was a big one according to the National Sleep Institute more than 90 million Americans suffer from snoring and that doesn't even include everyone sleeping next to them. I tried all your standard snoring remedies over the camera like no, this is a very good if you even if you're not picking up on that to the bed you need so I wouldn't roll over and snore. But I just wound up he sort of continues to explain and then I had this and then I had this sleep specialist and then the Sleep specialist told me that I needed to take a test and then I took the test and it came back that I have this problem, but there was only one thing that could fix this problem and then eventually he shows this he said, oh, wow. This was the product. This was what fixed everything and it's like a little simple thing. It's working. So then you look and you look at the description of oh, I turned this guy like it's all promotional stuff, but it's very good stuff. Another good example. One of the biggest ads is this one now, just one more quick note in that video. I showed you. I know it's a little unorthodox because it's not a hundred million view ad but it's a really good example of making an entertaining ad that people will follow through and watch because they're on YouTube and they want to watch a video. This one is one of the biggest of all time and it's very good. They've made millions of dollars this company I think is almost at the billion dollar level. So let's have a look. Listen up the soap you shower with it. You probably haven't even questioned what bar soap you lather up with? So you notice right away. He says. That soap that you're using is a like right away and then you're like, well what you mean like I use soap every day. Why is my soap bad? It's such a strong claim. That's why I try to do with mine like a super strong claim. So that's the most important thing guys of you if you missed that they're gonna skip the ad, but if you have a really strong claim in the first couple of seconds, People might watch the ad and they might buy the product like it's cool. It's a very powerful platform. So we're not gonna watch the whole thing. There's more I want to talk about in this video go watch us on your own time. It's a good ad. So that's pretty what I did. That was my first ad that I launched which is so crazy because it's really one of the only ads that work for me. I tested so many other ones, but I was able to make hundreds of thousands of dollars with that one winning ad. So what was the strategy? It was very simple Throw every type of targeting and testing that I could do on this winning ad because I don't know what type of stuff works on here the best so I'm just testing it all. So now as we progress through these next couple of months we can see that the spend is definitely gonna increase from 1,000 to 30,000 and it's on the simplest stuff sleep keyword sleep music keyword. These are single keyword campaigns. Like there's only one and it was getting a $13 cost per purchase with a 2% CTR. So you can see the power of YouTube ads here. They they are very effective. If we dig a Little Deeper, you can see some of these other campaigns doing even better twelve dollar cost per purchase and that's spending some money. That's not twelve dollar cost per purchase with two sales. That's consistent and the YouTube ads are good. You can see what's the best performers were these were these broad keyword campaigns? And then also I tried some testimonial stuff and some retargeting. I never have seen success with the retargeting but I started to scale this even more going into February and March. So you could see now from 30,000 to spending a hundred and eleven thousand and yo. That's in that's a decent return especially when you factor in the other AD platform in the organic traffic and everything else coming in it all snowballs because now I got the Facebook ads now. I got the YouTube ads people are searching up the brand, you know, if I could do it differently these days I would be going way harder on tiktok like the whole time if not me automate it, but that's a different video. But yeah, you could see we kept climbing and nothing changed. All that changed was the budgets that I was spending and it got to the point where I saw the numbers going up. It went from $13 cost for purchase like as you see 21 dollars here overall. So I started testing some more ads and I mean I've done testimonial ads like I did for for a Facebook. So, you know what that is. We're not even going to get into it. It's basically just a review of the product and then you have all type of other stuff. Let's see, by the way. Another thing. I want to mention here. When you do this. Make sure you set up a YouTube channel this nobody really does this but make sure you set up a YouTube channel for your product because then if I go to a new tab, right? And I'm a random Shopper, but I want to learn about the Sleep band. We'll look at what pops up first. Not see, we're not we're not these guys. We're not ever plus. See now. What would happen What would happen is that ever plus would pop up first, and now when people look up your brand and that thing pops up. And it looks like your brand. Well, guess what happens? They don't buy your product because dudes got his thumbs down. But then we got a good review. We put it up there on our YouTube channel. And now when people search our name we pop up first and it's a good review from a very good guy. We already talked about him and then we have another video. What is this time to stop? What is the Sleep band? Like, you know, these videos aren't crazy. But and of course there's some haters and look at that. He said don't bother buying spent 40 dollars on it and it never came in at it. They came in yesterday. This is a brilliant product best 40 I ever spent. Yeah. So you see how it is the customer service even in the YouTube comments, but back to the program, so I we're good. Sorry. These are long videos. I never film videos clips this long. All right next. We'll go for the bigger scaling. I think this is where we were really going the hardest on the ads. I think it jumps up again. Well, 1,000 to make 122 so actually it started to dip I think in April it was okay and then in May it went down you can see 27. I'm still profitable at 27 just barely but now when we're pushing, you know these numbers 34 now, we're really like breaking even with that with that ad spend. Of course, we still pull in profit because we have other channels and we have emails and these others, you know channels but this is a lot adding up if you look at it right here. So but it was at this time that I actually introduced an agency to help us run actual Google shopping and all these other ads that we weren't leveraging yet. So they also stepped in and they started building their campaigns which has proven to be one of the best decisions I've made for the business this agency now is consistently, you know, making profitable numbers with their ad spent consistently and it's growing and they like doing it I get updates every week. It's great. But anyways, you can see Sol 8 is their campaigns everything else is mine and in this time period I started doing a lot of testing. I mean I was testing all different kinds of ads just reviews, but if you notice a lot of it's the same footage I think you know going back I probably would have wished I was a little more creative to film more stuff. I got that. One video that popped off with that layout and I just kept running that layout but here's another one. I tried so like My theory was to have her make this video in ASMR and then run ads to ASMR videos and really it sounds like a good idea and it still does but every time I tried it I never got it to work. But I paid this girl. I found her YouTube channel like DM dirt and then I just paid her some money to do it. I had other reviews. I tried all kinds of stuff. I mean you guys noticed one thing through this whole case study is that I test relentlessly with whatever I'm doing. I'm trying to experiment as much as possible. So whole lot of testing I did retargeting as well. It was all right, it was around Break Even. But then as we move forward into the later months of the year, you'll actually see that I really stopped running the YouTube ads because they were performing, you know, but they weren't really doing that. Well, so, you know, I kept trying to make more ads kept trying to make more ads but nothing was working. So in a way I sort of got discouraged and the agency started doing good. $20 cost for a conversion 27 they're starting to do better each month. So I was just like, you know what I'm gonna let them run their Google and I'm probably just gonna back off of YouTube for now again, it's also a switch in focus for me because I really started putting much more energy into YouTube around this time and around, you know, viral Vault and really just growing that because you know, I really love making videos, but this time was good we This might have been this might have been my biggest l in the in the whole sleep band Journey for me. It seemed like the best idea because I saw this ad right and these other ads and you sound soft skin. They're like professionally shot like, you know, it's but it's like got a theme to it and I wanted to get one of these like professionally shot like infomercials. So I I did that it cost me $10,000 and this was one of our worst performing ads it cost me 10,000 in hindsight. I could have just made this with my homies and gave them a thousand bucks each and we could have been good or even like less than that, but let me pull it up. What are you doing sleeping with these on? Who are you I am kept in slumber man. Guardian of I edited that in a dream. They didn't even put that I put the clouds and a little rested and the sound effects that last glass of wine. I've brought you a gift to help you fall asleep easier and stay asleep better. It's shot really well a headband and I mean I wasn't to do with I wasn't upset when I got it. Just a regular headband, but sweet bands. I thought it would do better. It's built in Wireless noise canceling. Like it's shot very well. This is a nice ad I'll put the link to it down below. You can check it out more but it just didn't really pop off. You know, I mean, you'll see it's getting sales but the cost is high. It's it's double what I can afford, you know from there. We really kept continuing to test the original ad that was working before occasionally. It would pop off like it would do. Well, this is the original ad this is the same one from day one and then I've tried to recreate that ad with different voices with slightly different Hooks and you know, I'm still working on that. So that's an area for massive Improvement in this business. Absolutely. But again, you see the agency doing work now like $15 cost per purchase for $4,000 spend like the agency is going crazy two thousand dollars spent for eleven dollars closer. Like this is the things that are really keeping the business profitable along with the organic traffic. So then if we go to the more recent times just you know to show you guys everything. It's really the agencies running it up. I try to you know, entertain the idea of running this superhero ad but this is just losing me money every day, you know, like my thought was like, oh it can be good for reach. So like they will see this ad all the time and then they will research us and buy it and we might not make it back on the front but we might make it on the back but this is too high and the other ones are performing so well, so I just lately have been letting those campaigns work and we get a great return from Google ads these days 27,000 spent at 18 dollar cost per conversion and I have not lifted a single finger on Google search ads. So that's that's what we like to see. That's pretty much all my YouTube ads. That's all that I've ran. I mean, it's a powerful platform. I know you guys can make it work. I'll put the link down below to some of the ads that I made and maybe some of my other favorites because I think if you have a product that succeeding there's no reason why you shouldn't try this. It's so untapped you can get into exactly what Niche you want. Like, if you like fishing you can get all into every fishing video like you could go so deep you could just go wherever you want. It's very powerful. I say it has the most powerful targeting of them all you can even do placements like you can you can put your ad on an exact video now, I don't recommend this. It doesn't work that well, but it just shows you how powerful this tool is. So make sure you guys use it and hopefully this video helped you out. So I have another secret weapon. I know listen. I got a whole bag of tricks over here. But this is something that I only saw the biggest brands doing like manscaped and the ear the the headphones that raycon, you know, these big brands that I only saw them doing it Roman swipes another one and that thing is paying YouTubers to promote your product. I mean it always happens. I'm watching videos every day. I love watching YouTube and I hear every day these brand deals and I'm like, all right. What if I reached out to some YouTube influencers, we all know Instagram influencers. We all know tiktok influencers, but like I don't hear a lot of people talk about YouTube influencers, so I gave it a try and you know, we have generated some revenue for it. Actually. Let me just pull up our affiliate dashboard. So this is my affiliate dashboard. Hopefully we're not showing anything to crazy here. But yeah, so as you see we are generating in total from our affiliate commissions, we have sold 67,000 worth of products for me. That's I'm happy with that number, you know in total we've done one like this is our biggest ones but we've done more and I'll show you them. But yeah this it's great man. I mean, this is a good channel the only downside. Okay. This is a real downside to it. Sometimes you pay the bill and they drop the video and you get no sales at all. Like two sales five sales six sales, you know, it's like it's a little painful because you do have to pay them. So let's let's start by talking about the process. All right, so I knew that I wanted to get ASMR YouTubers. I knew that that was my goal. I I figured it's the perfect integration. It couldn't be anything better, you know, so I'm thinking if I get these influencers, I'm gonna be able to make crazy money. Now, somebody's people are just absurd we're not even gonna get into that topic and I barely even want it to be associated with this Niche. But again, there's a bag there there's money there. So what I did was I would look for channels, you know that are like this like not too famous like 300K 100K less, you know, but I'm looking for views. So like this would be a good one. Right like this girl has 388 k But she got 602,000 views so, you know we get us we get a spot in a video like that. We're gonna make some good money. I think if I click this it's gonna take me to some only fans type content. So we're not gonna click on that but She needs some more money. This is like you could tell she just wants some money. So if you were to send an email to this girl, how do you find an email you go to about boom email address? We're not gonna pull that up on here, you know, if she don't answer you there DM or we've done stuff even I know this sounds crazy, but it works if you cannot get in touch with somebody. Go ahead and send them a hundred dollars on PayPal like like it's it's a strategy. Okay, but it works like if you are if you are dying to get in touch with a influencer and they have this PayPal link on here send them a hundred dollars. But then in your like PayPal message, make sure you you're very short and direct about what you're actually messaging for. So yeah, that is a strategy to get in touch with them. Normally an email works. Just fine though. Some most of these people have a manager. So the manager will be able to get you whoever whoever you want. So well actually talk about that as well. So I I was in this process where I was deeming all these people and I was trying to get in touch with everybody and I can never get in touch with like the biggest biggest ones until one day. We emailed one of them and the person that responded was a manager and I asked him and I said, hey, is this the only person that you manage he said no and he sent me a large list of influencers that he was managing and there are multiple people like this. There are many management companies in the YouTube world. So this unlocked the door this allowed me to get in touch with anybody that I wanted in that Niche and yeah, that was a very important step along the way. I I don't want to leak his Gmail I was going to do it but I don't want to I don't think I don't think that's really what he's looking for. But yeah, so and he was only really working in the ASMR Niche anyways, but let's take a look at some of these Integrations, you know, if you guys are curious to see some some videos. Let's go. It's a little on uncomforting. but 20095,000 views. Okay. I don't want to listen to this anymore. But you get it. It's like it's like an ad and it's it's good this one of my favorite ones. This is very creative right on brand. Right, you know, he's got the ASMR going close up shot, you know, the little pop sounds and stuff the logo front center and he gave us a minute. He gave us a minute and 45 seconds for like I think I paid him like two grand 2500, you know. That is a that's good. That's a good deal. Now. This is a friend of mine. We weren't friends though until recently, but this is sneako and we actually sort of became friends through this whole thing because he wanted to promote my product. He was looking for an extra, you know, like income stream. So I was like sure let's try it and then I sent him one of the products and he made this funny clip like him and all of his friends trying it. You know, they were like they were saying stuff about it. You got I'm saying so, you know, that's my boy Elliot Choi. I just met Eliot to be super friendly, but sneaker gave us the plug and that one actually gotten no sales. I was really excited for the sneaker review because you know, I figured he has a strong audience like 95k views off. 132 Subs is a strong audience. But yeah, no, no sales. This one did very well for us. I'll show you the original video. We looked at this as well before but he gave us like a for free for free guys. This cost me zero dollars. Currently. He gave us a six minute spot and 154 views for free and a six minute ad from this guy and he never asked me for any money or anything the whole time. This guy is a g but and then lastly we got this girl doing her ASMR thing, too. You see what it is though. It's like she gave us. Three minutes of her just rubbing her hand across the product. Like I don't know if I can even watch this for much longer. I don't know something might happen, but I'm just kidding. But yeah, that's the YouTube influencer game. We made like I said 67,000. We probably pay it out a total of like for all everything probably like 20,000 and then we probably pay our commission of 13,000 not probably we pay our commission of 13,000 and you know, you're looking at somewhere around 30k profit, but you know 70k Revenue off another stream like this is good to add to the game and sometimes you can get it for free. See you guys later.

Key Takeaways

• YouTube ads are an underrated tool used by drop Troopers to scale their business

• Jordan used YouTube influencers to review his product for a small fee, which brought in a significant amount of sales and gave him content that he could use inside of his ads

• Jordan had never seen anybody doing YouTube ads for Ecom except for the biggest brands, so hedecided to give it a try

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