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How I Sold My Business

Video Description

Jordan tells you how he sold his drop shipping business.

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The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

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This is some text inside of a div block.


So that's pretty much everything that I did to build scale and get my business to the point where it was ready to be sold in this video. I'm gonna talk about how I actually sold the business and give you some advice on that because there is a surprising lack of information on this topic. So the reason why I was able to sell my business comes down to a couple different reasons, the first one is that I built my business in the way that I showed you today. I have my own custom product with fast shipping and good quality. I have a team that manages my day today operations and I have ad campaigns that are running profitably to a prospective buyer. This is a pretty nice combination because they can come in purchase the business at a few optimizations and then take that business to the next level. People don't want to buy a business where there is no Foundation. No structure people don't want Buy a store that is dropshipping crowd from AliExpress. They want to buy a brand and that's the first reason why I was able to sell this business. The second reason is because I worked with a broker now the job of the broker is to go through analyze my situation analyze my financial status and get a valuation for this business and the broker that I used is actually called website closers. I will link them down below in this video If you guys get to that point and you want to sell your business definitely reach out to them because they help me out tremendously. So these guys went through they got evaluation for my business and then they went out and they marketed it to their massive pool of potential buyers. And it only took around two months until I was hopping on meetings with people that were interested in buying my business now everything sounds great, but it was actually a pretty challenging time in my life because there was a lot of uncertainty going on. Let me Blaine I was really focusing heavily on my YouTube channel and as a result the Sleep band sales and success was kind of headed on a downward trajectory and honestly, this made me a little bit doubtful that I was still going to be able to sell the company. I thought that because the business was headed in this direction a buyer might not be as interested in it as if it was going in this direction, which is true if you guys have a business that is climbing and climbing that is the time that you want to go and pursue a sale if you're interested in that you don't want to wait until the business is slowing down, but thankfully I was still able to sell it in that circumstance because the brand was so strong and because my Brokers were so good. So anyways at that time the brand was slowing down a lot. We were averaging around $500 a day to a thousand dollars a day in sales with around one to two hundred dollars and profit per day, which is not horrible. It's not like we were burning money every single month even though we did. Have our occasional unprofitable day or unprofitable week overall. We were still making a little bit of profit and the business was still having a little bit of a heartbeat but we stopped hearing from potential buyers at one point in time. I was getting on maybe two meetings a week with buyers and then it just completely stopped I'm talking about for like four months three to four months. I didn't get a call from anybody else in my Brokers. We're like, we don't have anybody else interested. We don't know if we're gonna be able to sell this. We don't know what we got for you at this stage and there was one guy when I had went through my initial rounds of meetings that seemed extremely interested in my company and I reached out to him again and I was like look man like the company is here. I would love for you to be a part of it. Just let me know and the guy completely ghosted me and didn't respond at all. So again, I was full of uncertainty and I didn't know how this was all gonna pan out now. I remember this day very vividly and I will never forget it in my life. It was July 30th, and I was sitting With my Dad we were out in this lake house that we go to every single year. It's one of his friends house and I was outside and my phone rings and it's the broker so I pick it up and he's like yo this guy that you spoke to before he's ready. He has his money and he's ready to buy your business this week. I was like for real, I got super excited. He's like, yeah, it's it's that time we're gonna send you the documents you can go ahead and sign them and we're gonna make this happen within the next two weeks and we did I got the business sold within the following month and you guys saw on my YouTube channel. I posted a video. I sold my store. I took some of that money. I got my sister her dream car. I took them to Disney World. I put some of it into my portfolio. I kept some of it in cash and all in all the transaction took around six months from me getting posted on the Brokers website to me selling. My company was around six maybe seven months process and honestly, it was a roller coaster ride of Oceans, you know in hindsight. I think I could have done it a lot faster. If I went for the sale when the business was on the up and up but I waited and I had to wait as a result of my decision. So that's the basic premise of how I sold the business surprisingly enough selling the business wasn't the challenge the Brokers handled pretty much everything. The challenge is building the brand and building something that is worth something to a buyer. And that's what I tried to convey and teach you guys in this case study. So I hope you are able to learn that and I hope you are able to learn these principles that are going to allow you to build a successful e-commerce business of your own. Now before we wrap up this case study, there is one last video. I want you to watch and it's gonna come right after this one. Just giving you some final words of advice. If you're going to pursue this journey of e-commerce giving you some relevant information for starting right now and this year and just giving you my personal feedback on what I wish I would have done a little bit better so you don't have to make same mistakes. So thank you so much for watching this point. There's one last video that I need you to watch and that's all I got for this case study. So I'll see you in the next video.

Key Takeaways

• Jordan was able to sell my business due to a combination of factors

• These factors include having a custom product with fast shipping and good quality, managing day-to-day operations, and working with a broker to analyze his situation and get a valuation

• It was a challenging time in his life due to uncertainty

• Despite this, he was still able to sell the company, as the brand was strong

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