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ExtoSafe - Pet Waterproof Car Seat Extender
+10.32% > CATEGORY AVG
+10.32% > CATEGORY AVG
+ 1.85% > CATEGORY AVG
+ 1.85% > CATEGORY AVG

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Keep Your Furry Friend Cozy and Secure

Keep your furry friend safe and comfortable on car rides with ExtoSafe, the Pet Waterproof Car Seat Extender. This innovative car seat extender provides extra space for your pet to stretch out and relax during road trips, while also protecting your car seats from dirt, scratches, and pet hair.

Easy to install and waterproof, ExtoSafe ensures hassle-free travel with your pet, whether you're going on a short drive or a long journey. ExtoSafe fits most car seats and accommodates pets of various shapes and sizes.

Key Benefits

Waterproof & Stain-Resistant - ExtoSafe Pet Car Seat Extender features waterproof and stain-resistant materials, protecting your car seats from spills, accidents, and pet messes. Keep your car interior clean and odor-free during travel with your furry friend.

Universal Compatibility - Designed to fit most vehicles, ExtoSafe Pet Car Seat Extender offers universal compatibility for easy installation and use. Whether you have a sedan, SUV, or truck, this seat extender provides versatile protection for your car seats.

Adjustable Straps - With adjustable straps and buckles, ExtoSafe Pet Car Seat Extender offers customizable fit and security, ensuring a snug and stable installation. Keep your pet safe and comfortable during car rides with this adjustable seat extender.

Easy to Clean - ExtoSafe Pet Car Seat Extender is easy to clean, with machine-washable and wipeable materials for hassle-free maintenance. Keep your car interior looking fresh and clean with minimal effort.

Captioned Video Ad
ExtoSafe - Pet Waterproof Car Seat Extender
Captionless Video Ad
ExtoSafe - Pet Waterproof Car Seat Extender
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Ad Copy 1
ExtoSafe - Pet Waterproof Car Seat Extender

njoy stress-free car rides 👉 Your Dog Will Never Damage Your Car Again! Our New Hard Bottom Seat Cover Protects Your Vehicle From Any Scratches, While Extending The Back Seat Keeping Them Comfortable & Safe! Get Yours While The Sale Is On! >> (Store Link)

Ad Copy 2
ExtoSafe - Pet Waterproof Car Seat Extender

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Targeting Keywords
ExtoSafe - Pet Waterproof Car Seat Extender

Car, Vehicle, Car Seat, Dog, Pet

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Supplier link
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Youtube, social media platforms like Instagram Facebook, or TikTok, browsing multiple Aliexpress listings, Amazon listings, 1688, Taobao, Alibaba, Googling your product name, or using adspy softwares like Dropify, Poweradspy, Bigspy, Pipiads, etc.
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